Thrive Times theater journalists and photographers were invited to the much anticipated first full wardrobe ensemble for Robin Dearden’s ambitious first theater production which sees actor and social media icon George DeNoto take center stage and the helm as Julius Caeser.
Entertainment Weekly and Broadway Buzz both have “Brute’s Betrayal” listed in the top 5 most anticipated Off Broadway production “sees of the summer.” So follow us as we explain the play for all of you excited to experience what is sure to be a smash hit.

Described as a portal between two timelines; Robin Dearden’s play follows a Suburban high school clique’s rise to notoritiy in the “party scene” of their city as their story slowly becomes entertwined with the Fall of Rome, In a all in one unabashedly visually stunning daringly bold new production that will have audiences scared in the aisles!
As Thrive Times journalists caught up with Robin Dearden and George DeNoto after the showing, Robin, whose getting her first playwrite credit had to say:

“I am thrilled for the world to experience our play, and I believe each actor/actress will pass the baton of a fearless performance that will truly make this boundary pushing production unforgettable.”
George DeNoto, who is fresh off playing an italian cab driver in Director Tony Mucci’s “Money Talk$” had to say this about playing the Mad Emperor:

I think this shit is chaotic because the standard path of an actor is to build your name playing characters that are similar to who you are….. while I’m doing the polar fucking opposite. But hey, I’m from X’s camp! It couldn’t be George DeNoto if i wasn’t bringing chaos in this bitch.”
Are you excited to see “Brute’s Betrayal” ? Tickets go on sale for New York showtimes June 12th. Keep up with Thrive Times for more information!