Vibha Kulkarni: Telling Stories That Bridge Cultures




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Vibha Kulkarni’s journey from India to Los Angeles isn’t just a change in scenery—it’s a deep dive into the complexities of identity, belonging, and the art of storytelling. An Indian director, writer, and actor, Vibha sees storytelling as more than a creative outlet; it’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and a way to navigate the often tricky balance between her Indian heritage and Western influences.

Living Between Two Worlds

Growing up, Vibha was always caught between tradition and modernity. This clash of cultures didn’t just shape her perspective—it fueled her passion for storytelling. She’s drawn to narratives that reflect the internal conflicts faced by many who feel torn between the familiar norms of their heritage and the freedoms of the modern world. Her stories often focus on women, teenagers, and children grappling with these issues, making her work resonate on a deeply personal and universal level.

The Next Big Step: 7TH HOUSE

Vibha’s latest project, 7TH HOUSE, is a feature film that dives deep into themes of identity, self-acceptance, and the journey to find one’s place in the world. Now in the financing stage, this film marks a pivotal moment in her career. The story centers on characters who, much like Vibha herself, are navigating the challenges of introspection and transformation. It’s set to be a powerful reflection on the struggles and victories of those brave enough to carve out their own paths.

A Scholar and a Trailblazer

Vibha’s achievements extend far beyond her current project. She’s a Writer’s Ink Screenwriting Lab Scholar and has an impressive academic background with an MFA in Directing from the American Film Institute Conservatory, which is known for nurturing some of the most innovative filmmakers around. Before that, she earned an M.Des in New Media from the National Institute of Design in India, where she first began experimenting with blending traditional storytelling with cutting-edge technology.

Creating Connection Through Art

What sets Vibha apart is her ability to create stories that reflect real, often messy, human experiences. She doesn’t shy away from exploring the tensions and contradictions that define so much of modern life, especially for those straddling multiple cultures. Her work challenges audiences to rethink societal norms and embrace the full complexity of their identities.

More Than Just a Filmmaker

Vibha Kulkarni isn’t just making films; she’s crafting spaces where people can see their own struggles and triumphs reflected on screen. Her stories challenge the pressures to conform and instead celebrate the beauty of being unapologetically oneself. As she continues to push boundaries with 7TH HOUSE and other projects, Vibha is quickly becoming a voice to watch in contemporary cinema—one that speaks to the heart of what it means to live authentically, even when it means standing out.

Vibha’s work reminds us that the most powerful stories aren’t just the ones we tell others; they’re the ones we tell ourselves. Through her art, she invites us all to embrace our own journeys of self-discovery, to find strength in our contradictions, and to redefine what it means to truly belong.

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The Thrive Times

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Thrive Times Staff

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